Tea Drinkers Can Slow The Effects Of Tooth Staining
One of the few major downsides of drinking dark teas is the unsightly staining that can begin to paint its way across the teeth. When tea is your energy delivery of choice, it can be difficult to reduce your cups today without bringing progress to a halt. A few ideas can help you reduce the speed at which tea stains the teeth, if not remove the problem entirely.
Add A Different Cup Between Tea Tastes
Tea drinkers may sip throughout the day without cleaning their teeth. People who don't drink or snack throughout the day may be able to get away with brushing only twice per day, but regular drinkers need a bit of extra help.
When you drink tea with sweeteners or other materials that may be food for the natural bacteria in your mouth, you constantly feed a process of breeding and waste building. Plaque is the result of bacteria eating, creating waste and breeding in a constant cycle, which is made faster by eating or drinking throughout the day.
It isn't necessarily a good idea to brush your teeth constantly throughout the day, as the acids created by bacteria or even your daily sips may weaken the enamel of your teeth enough to wear away at your teeth.
Instead, consider drinking a cup of water or sparkling water after every cup of tea. Although it isn't a complete cleaning, you'll be able to wash away a lot of the troublesome plaque and slow down the rate at which your teeth can become stained.
Why Is Plaque From Tea Drinking An Issue?
On its own, plaque can dry against the teeth to create telltale yellowish stains on the teeth. When you eat or drink colored foods or drinks, plaque can absorb the colors.
When plaque absorbs colors from other materials, it can solidify against the teeth with a discolored tint. For tea drinkers, this may mean brown or reddish streaks against the teeth. When plaque hardens (known as calculus or tartar after the hardening process), the stains won't be removed by basic toothbrushing.
Without a dentist's assistance, these stains are very difficult to remove and may stand out with every smile. If you're already dealing with significant tooth streaks, it may be best to visit a dentist.
A dentist can perform a precision cleaning without greatly damaging your teeth. Along with the cleaning, your dentist can suggest tooth care products that address your specific drinking habits and the unique bacteria that may vary from mouth to mouth.
Visit a dentist like Lindsey Metcalf M DDS & Robert Dalton B DDS as soon as possible if tea stain management is unsuccessful.